Green Jobs is Focus of February 27 Meeting of White House Middle Class Task Force

As an update to this prior post, some additional details are available regarding the first meeting of the White House Task Force on Middle Class Working Families ("Middle Class Task Force"), which will be taking place at the University of Pennsylvania on February 27th and focusing on green jobs.

According to the White House, the following will be among the questions that the task force will examine at this meeting:

  • How can we change Washington to make green jobs a political reality? (John Podesta, President and CEO, Center for American Progress)
  • How can we ensure access to green jobs to everyone? (Van Jones, founding President, Green for All)
  • How do we connect people who need jobs to companies that need people? (Fred Krupp, President, the Environmental Defense Fund)
  • How can the federal government help bring green jobs to the middle class? (Carol Browner, Assistant to President Obama for Energy and Climate Change)
  • What's the role of the labor movement in creating green jobs and training workers for them? (Leo Gerard, International President of the Steelworkers of America
  • How do you create green jobs in a city? (Michael Nutter, Mayor of Philadelphia)
  • How can public-private partnerships help train people for green jobs? (Cecilia Estolano, CEO of the Los Angeles Community Redevelopment Authority)
  • What's the role for business? (Mark Edlen, President, Gerding-Edlen)

Meda outlets including the Philadelphia Inquirer also have a preview of tomorrow's meeting.  For more information:

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