Learn about the new Green Buildings Career Map on May 11

GBCM Webinar May 11

Join [Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) for an educational webinar on Tuesday, May 11 at 2 p.m. ET to hear from the creators of the Green Buildings Career Map! IREC’s Joe Sarubbi and Mary Lawrence will explain in detail how to use all of the many features of the map, how the map can best suit your goals, and details on the exploding opportunities in the green buildings and energy efficiency industry.

What you’ll get:

• Learn the ins and outs of the Map, including how to use it according to your objective—whether you are a job seeker, career or guidance counselor, training provider, or employer.

• Hear more about the green buildings and energy efficiency industry and what these facts could mean for employment opportunities.

• Discover additional valuable resources related to the skills, training, and jobs in the green buildings and energy efficiency jobs industry.

• Get all of your questions about the Map answered by the experts in an interactive Q&A portion.

Register now for free at http://bit.ly/GBCMWebinar

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